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Friday, March 11, 2016

Bring Troye to Utah

Troye performing on tour, look how happy he is!
Photo courtesy of: FuseTv
One day I was sitting at home watching Netflix (as usual) and then my phone dinged. I checked my phone only to see that I had a notification from an app called Bands In Town. If you don't know what this is, get it now! It lets you track all the up coming artists on tour near you. It is incredible; I love it. Anyway it had just notified me about some random band coming to Utah. After I saw this I realized I wanted to check if some of my favorite artist were on tour/coming to a town near me. I all the sudden realized that I didn't know if my absolute favorite artist, Troye Sivan, was on tour. So to the search bar I went. I typed in T-r-o-y-e S-i-v-a-n and impatiently waited for the results. Then his picture popped up! YAY! I scrolled through all his tour dates and where he was going. I started with hope in my heart. When I got the bottom (without seeing Utah) my heart dropped. I felt like I went through the first three stages of grief with in five seconds.

Look he was on the cover of Rolling Stones!!!
Photo courtesy of: cdn04
Honestly I am still on the third stage, bargaining. I WILL get Troye to come to Utah, if it's the last thing I do. I will start a campaign. I will tweet him twenty million times, a day. I will freaking kidnap him and bring him to Utah (not actually, but you see how serious I am). Now trust me I am not the only one who loves him. I have several friends that agree, Troye Sivan must come to Utah. His music is incredible. He is so talented in so many different ways. I remember when I first saw his youtube videos. I first thought he was funny, but wasn't in love. Then I found one of his covers. I instantly fell in love. I watched it every night and showed it to everyone I could think of. I knew he would go on to do big things. And when he released his first EP I bought it. Then when I saw on Instagram that he had just released his first album Blue Neighborhood, I wanted to cry.

I am not lying to you when I say that I love every song on that album. It is not one of those albums where the best song is the single. All of the songs are equally incredible. They all have their strengths. As hard as it's to choose favorites my current favorite songs are "for him." and "BLUE". If you take anything from this post go listen to his album. It is truly amazing and I guarantee you will love it. And don't forget...BRING TROYE TO UTAH. Until next time!

-Morgan :) <3