About Me

About Me

Hey there people of earth! I am Morgan and this is my first blog! I am new to this so it might be a little rough in the beginning! Hopefully you will be able to enjoy and get a good look at my uniquely ordinary life. So let me officially introduce my self. I am Morgan a 9th grade student whose life is pretty ordinary. I wake up, go to school, after school go to sports (yes I do try to be athletic), then go home, eat, and sleep. Then I repeat the next day. When I do have free time I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. (GASP) I know it sounds weird a teenage girl who actually likes to spend time with her family! But my family is actually pretty cool and I love watching movies and cooking with my mom and step dad. My mom has most recently gotten into Vegan cooking so on this blog there will most likely be some post about the crazy meals we make! I also love spending time with my friends. All my friends are just as weird as me. We have many inside jokes and have a tendency to do crazy things. An example of this would be that we went on a run the other day and found a dead squirrel. Then we proceeded to have a funeral with flowers and take a moment of silence for the poor animal. We all also run to benches and claim that they are our "baes". The friends I hangout with the most are my cross country friends (yes I run, yes it is painful). It is a hard sport but we have fun. I have only done it for about 6 months but it's super fun. Here is the website if you want to learn more about it PCXC Races and practices are always fun and get a little weird sometimes. Picture below for reference.

Photo creds: Kirsten; From left to right: Morgan (me), Chole, Maddie, and Aysia 

I do have other friends too but sadly we don't get to hangout as much. I still try to hang out with them. One of my closest friends I have known since the fourth grade. I have known her so long that we pretty much are family. We all hangout, eat food, watch tv, stalk celebrities, and have fun. I don’t really know what else to say. I love random TV shows which vary from That’s So Raven to NCIS. I love most music (except country...yuck!) Anything from the Beach Boys to Taylor Swift. I try to be funny, but fail most of the time. Humor can do so many things and I think it is a fun way to make life a little bit more amusing and silly. I take a Drama class and love theater. It is entertaining and all of the people are super nice. A lot of my friends take Drama and do xc (cross country) with me. I am just a totally weird girl who acts like a goof most of the time. I mostly just try to make the most of my life and laugh a lot! 

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