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Friday, September 25, 2015

A Very Punny Post

Hi there and welcome to my first blog post ever (dundunduuunn). I have been trying to think of an amazing blog post to be my first, but I came up with nada. So I am just going to talk about puns! Yes puns, I’m not just yoking around with you (haha see how I did that). Warning, this is the start of many puns. First let me give you the definition of a pun. A pun is a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meaning. Now that we are all clear on what a pun is I am going to try and give you some eggs-cellent examples. Numero uno, if you ever are for some reason eating bagels and see a really cute human being (a.k.a Dylan O’Brien) you can say "hey look at those bae-goals!" If you don’t get this one then first smack you self. Second I will explain, you are eating a bagel and Dylan O’Brien is ultimate bae goals. Add those together and you get bae-goals!!! Another pun that I always use and is a personal favorite of mine is that is so punny! You would use this if someone just said a pun and you think it is funny. You would then reply to them by saying “that was so punny” then wink. Finally if you have a guy that you order wings from (I know I do ;) ) you could order wings with friends. Once the guy has your wings and rings your doorbell you could yell “I’ll get it! It’s my wingman!”. Now that you have some example I am going to talk about how much I love puns and why. Here is a list:

1. They are very punny (sorry I just had to).
2. They make people laugh
3. They make you laugh
4. They make the world laugh (basically puns just make people laugh)
5. Puns are a easy way to slide humor into your ordinary life

Picture Courtesy of : Dose of Funny

Now in all honesty this post is very cheesy and you probably won’t ever use these, but they’re still humorous, well at least I think they are. If you love puns just as much as I do I have linked a website to help you come up with puns. Pun Generator These puns may not be the best but it gives you a start and helps you understand how to come up with your own puns. If I am being honest with you right now I am not that great at puns either. I know, I know, you are all probably sitting there like “What??? I would have never guessed that” or “Thats a lie Morgan you are freaking amazing at puns”. But it is true. I have just recently started to love puns and am just starting my pun making career. Most of my puns are unusable and totally unrealistic, but at least I try. So new goal for anybody out there reading this blog right now. Try to say a pun once a day! It will add more humor and make you happier. I know they have made my life more unique and humorous! Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

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