About Me

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Healthy Life = Happy Life

Why hello there, person reading my blog! I am going to let you know that it is ten o’clock and I am very tired but still writing this post. I made a goal to myself that I would try to post this today. Since I have been very busy I am just starting to write this post. But I do declare it will be published on Sunday, October 11th, 2015! (I like to follow through with my goals…) Speaking of goals one of my biggest goals in life is to try and stay healthy. It may seem crazy to think that a teenage girl wants to be healthy. I am not saying that I am the healthiest person alive but I do try my very best. Don’t worry I do break and eat ice cream once in a while, but I do see the importance of being healthy. Now I am going to tell you a little bit of my story and why I think it's so important.

Crazy early runs <3.
I will start my story by saying part of my “New Years Revolution” this year was to try to be healthier. You are all probably thinking “Ha no one ever follows through with those revolutions" but I did try. It started out slow. At first I used a 7 minute workout app.  I don’t think I even made it a month using that. Then I started going to yoga with my mom. My family starting eating salad and more vegetables. One day my mom wanted me to go with her to a yoga class but I just wasn’t feeling it, so I went for a run instead. This started my running career. I was very slow and didn’t do a whole lot in the began, but then I started to run more frequently. I decided to join cross country team. I worked hard and ate healthier. I didn't feel gross anymore. Making these life changes made me happier and healthier.

Recently I had to take some days off of running because of an injury. I went back to feeling how I used to feel almost instantly. I couldn't wait to start working out again. I went back on a workout day and it was hard! I never thought a couple of days could make it that hard. I then recognized how much the end of the xc season was going to effect me. I was terrified. Then I realized that there was still a lot activities I could do to remain active during my off season. Here is a list:

1. Start going to Hot Yoga again
7 minute workout picture guide.
Image courtesy of: The Weight Zone Factor
2. Run on the treadmill or get a bunch of warm clothes on and go run in the snow
3. Ski as often as I can
4. Follow along to workout tapes or workouts I have found online (I found a great youtube account for these. It's called Blogilates. Can't wait to try it!)
5. Go to fitness classes at my local gym

These are just some of the possibilities. I have thought of these new ideas and honestly they excites me. I realized that I can stay happy and healthy even without running after school every day. It will take some getting used to but I am sure I will figure it out. One thing that I hope you can take away from this is that trying to be healthy isn’t that hard. It makes you feel better. So set a goal for yourself try one new active activity. Find something you like to do then go for it. Being healthy is a guaranteed way to become happier. And I know that if you try you will feel healthier and happier. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

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