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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Brace Free at Fifteen

As you may already know I am a fifteen year old girl who is a freshman in high school. Most kids my age and in my grade have braces. And so do I ... or well I used to. That's right you heard it right here. I Morgan DeCamp have finally broke free of my chains. I am free from the tracks. This face will brace no more! (a.k.a. I got my braces off). I'm actually so happy and can't believe that after two and a half years I finally got my braces off. The best part is, after my retainer I'm done. There's no more having to go back to get braces a second/third time. If I wear my retainer like I am suppose to, I should be brace free for the rest of my life. Isn't that exciting!

Look at those pearly whites! 
So the thing is, even though I am ecstatic about this whole event I don't know why everyone is so excited for me. It seemed like once I got my braces off all adults thought that I had gone through a huge sudden change. No. I literally just sat in a chair for an hour while someone removed metal and glue from my teeth. I am still the same person. I just have straight teeth. It really shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it was. Once the orthodontists had finished my teeth they had me wait in the middle of the room. I was very confused when all the sudden adults started circling me like vultures. Then came the music or should I say banging tambourines randomly and shouting loudly. I don't even know what they "sang". I stood there not knowing what to do. I mean, what should I do? Should I smile at the adults that I don't know? Should I glare and make them think I hate them? I'm pretty sure I ended up doing both. To top it all off, at the end of the "song" they sprayed silly string on me! WTF. I was severely confused. Even after that my whole way out of the office they were congratulating me. Like what? And when I got home my mom was like "Oh honey look at you. You are so grown up; a young adult. You look so beautiful now." Like seriously, was I not beautiful before? I still a young adult before. The only difference from now and this morning is that there isn't metal in my mouth anymore.

Anyway,  it's not like I am not excited to get my braces off. And I understand two years of my life, that's a big chunk! But still getting your braces off doesn't really "change" you. It doesn't make you older or more mature. I'm just me, except without braces! Overall I am happy about my braces being gone. I am very appreciative of my parents for doing this for me. So shout out to them for paying for all the painful metal in my mouth for the past couple years. Until next time!

-Morgan :) <3

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