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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Ty!

Hey guys! So today, just now, while I was at the store with my mother, we were approached by a man. He had been standing behind us in self check out. This man came up to us and asked "May I pay for you guys?" My mom and I were in complete shock. We didn't know what to do, so my mom asked "Umm what for?" We both had no clue what was going on. Then the man replied and said "We are doing this for my friend's birthday, Ty." I had no clue at all of what to say. My mom felt bad because we are pretty well off. She said "Well, I'm sure there is someone else out there who could use this more than us." And he just simply said "This is just the way it is." He then payed for us. My mother asked who Ty was. This man told us that he died in a race last year at age 44. He would of been 45 today. At this point my mom was holding back her tears. I on the other hand was still in shock. You hear of people speaking of stuff like this happening, but here I was living it. I was practically frozen. We said thank you. My mom got in the car and cried.

Try to complete at least one act of kindness for Ty.
Photo courtesy of: treasureyourheart
Now I am here sitting on my bed paying my respects to a man I never knew but wishing I did. When we got home we found a site dedicated to Ty. (Please go check it out to get more information.) There is so much I want to say, but I don't have enough words to do so. I want to start with thanks to everyone out there who has completed an act of kindness for Ty. I also want to thank Ty.  Even though I didn't know him, he must of been a truly incredible man for people to do this for him. I only hope that he is watching from somewhere, smiling. No one deserves to die so young, but some how out of such a tragic event people have made the most. They have gone out and celebrated his life by trying to make others lives better. Please everyone read this even though it may not be his birthday anymore go out and do something for Ty. Happy birthday Ty Rasch! I hope this made your day. Treasure you heart.

- Morgan :) <3

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