About Me

Friday, May 13, 2016

A Teenage Girl's Uniquely Ordinary Life: The Journey

I struggle with procrastination and I have accepted that!
Photo courtesy of: The Odyssey Online
This blog has been a journey for me. In case you don't know this blog is an assignment for my Honors English class. I started 9th grade knowing that I was going to have to do a blog. I was terrified; I didn't want to do it. I had all the classic self conscious teenage thoughts. I was worried that everyone would judge me. Not only was I self conscious, but I was clueless as well. I didn't know what I wanted my blog to be about. I didn't know how to title a post let alone write one. I wanted to be funny while sharing my personality, but was still afraid of what other people thought. It was very nerve wracking. And every time a blog assignment was due I'd have to rush to complete it because, of course like any other assignment, I would procrastinate. At times I really hated it.

Luckily now I don't hate it as much. Don't get me wrong, I still procrastinate, but I think in ways I have grown. I'm not as worried about being funny. I feel that by just being myself is funny enough. Now I honestly could careless about what people think about me. I have learned to express myself through this blog. I was finally able to share my love of puns and pick up lines to people other than just my family and friends. In a way I have even improved with them. Like when writing this very post I was trying to edit a sentence so it didn't have as many "I"s and I said "This sentence has four "I"s, ahhh, that's more "I"s than on my face!" (HAHA GET IT?!? Yea, yea, not that funny, but I think it's pretty punny. (Sorry couldn't resist.)). Anyway, even though this blog has put some stress on me I still feel as though I have benefited. I pay more attention to details and edit more carefully. I have made improvements through this wild blogging journey.

Reading Morgan's new pun and improvements got you like...
Gif courtesy of: We The Unicorns
After this whole blogging adventure I look at every experience as an opportunity to share with someone. I feel as though my description, grammar, and writing in general has improved. Not only this, but I have gained other things from my friend's blogs. Whether that is learning about a new show *cough cough* Grey' Anatomy *cough cough* or just reading about a new perspective on life. This blog has been a great experience and I am sad to see it end. But I know that I won't be able to keep it up to date with posts. As much as I have learned, I still haven't learned about not procrastinating. Until next time! ... oh wait, not really ... well, thank you and goodbye!

- Morgan :) <3

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