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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Le Francais est Stupide!

WARNING: This post is basically just an anger rant. Be prepared to read the fiery wrath of Morgan.

The extent of my French knowledge.
Gif courtesy of :  The Odyssey Online
As you may or may not know I am currently taking French. To this you may have one of three different responses. 1. "Ohh that's so cool! French is a beautiful language." 2. "Geez why would you do that? No one speaks French except for the french." or 3. "I hear they have really amazing food. There bread and cheese are amazing."  All of these statement/questions are true. (especially the last one). And to be completely honest I don't know why I decided to take French back in 7th grade. No one really speaks French except for a few countries. And really, I completely regret it, but at this point it is too late to turn back. I am in French III, so there is really no point in starting over with a different language. But even though this is my third year I still suck at French! I mean I'm pretty good with the grammar, but speaking and listening is a totally different topic. My accent is the WORST! Even though sometimes I do hate the class this doesn't mean I don't try.

When Mr/Ms. Stupide randomly yells at you for nothing.
Photo courtesy of: Divine Caroline
This leads us to what forced me to write this post: my teacher. Just to keep this teacher free from hate we are going to refer to them as Mr/Ms. Stupide. Because I know all of my adoring fans would just blast them with hate after this. *cough cough* No one. Anyway, for some unknown reason Mr/Ms. Stupide seems to hate me with a burning passion. I know I'm not always the best student, but this doesn't give them the right to treat me unfairly. I talk just as much as the other kids in my class. I do just as much work as the other kids in my class; I may do even more work sometimes. I pay attention just as much as everyone else,  but he/she seems to pick me out of the crowd. This is not fair! So uncool Mr/Ms. Stupide. And I know what you are all thinking "Oh Morgan. You're being so silly.  You are making this all up in your head! Mr/Ms. Stupide doesn't hate you." All I have to say to that is "Ferme ta bouche!" You can ask any of my friends in that class. He/she hates me and they're not secretive about it. How might I know this you ask, well here are some examples. Once I wrote Mr/Ms. Stupide an email regarding my friend and I's project he/she never responded, but when my friend emailed him/her they responded in less than thirty minutes. Also, he/she has told me to stop talking when my mouth has not opened once, several times. Along with this he/she called on me in class to answer something. I will answer to question to the best of my ability and he/she will yell at me for not doing it. Shall I go on?

Overall, I have done my best in that I class. There was even a solid month where I was on top of everything. I was doing homework that no one else did and even answered questions that no one else knew. I try and sometimes I don't understand what is going on. Mr/Ms. Stupide takes this as me not caring or not trying; I take this as a comprehension error. But it has now gotten to the point in this class that I almost stormed out of the class. Luckily this is my last year with Mr/Ms. Stupide. Thank you for reading my anger rant about French. Au Revoir! Until next time!

-Morgan :) <3

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