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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Finally it is Thanksgiving!

Another Snoopy Thanksgiving
Photo Courtesy of The Success Box

I have decided not to start this blog with a “Hi” or “Hey there” I feel like I always do, so I am just going to get straight into this post. It is almost Thanksgiving. I am honestly so excited! I can not believe it is almost that time. I feel like just yesterday it was January 1st, 2015. Can you believe it is almost the end of the year?! It has gone by way too fast, but I’m happy to finally be celebrating Thanksgiving. 

It really hit me today that Thanksgiving is only four days away today when my family went shopping for the food. There are so many dishes at Thanksgiving dinner that I can only have on Thanksgiving. (I mean who eats stuffing and cranberry sauce yearly!) But I think only eating these dishes once a year makes them taste better. Waiting a whole year in anticipation makes them taste so much better than if I had had them just last month. There are way to many good dishes on Thanksgiving! I have always wanted to make this one dish and this year my family has finally decided to let me make it! This dish is Pumpkin Crème Brûlée! I am so excited and can not wait to make this. But my absolute favorite dish will always be the candied sweet potatoes. Plus I love waking up and cooking all day. I may not be the best chef, but I love helping make this meal. Spending the whole day in the kitchen with my family will always be my favorite memory growing up. But food is only one part of Thanksgiving. 

Think about it.
Photo Courtesy of Dog News
It is a day for us to recognize all the wonderful things in our live. There are so many thingsI need to be thankful for. My step father who makes everyday a little bit more funny. My mom, who is honestly the best mother ever. Not only did she give birth to me and decided to keep my annoying little baby butt but, she has tried her very best to push to me to always do my best. She has made me a better person and been a remodel for me. My sister, who I know will always be there for me. No matter how much we fight I still love her. She has also helped me become a better person. And even though I know she will not read this, I love her with all my heart and honestly can say she is a truly amazing beautiful person. I am grateful any of the other amazing people in my life. I am thankful for roof above my head and the food on my plate. I am grateful for being able to flush my toilet paper. Yes I am grateful for this. Costa Rica showed me how much I really love being able to do this. I am grateful for so many things and if I was to list them all then you would never be able to finish this post. I am thankful for all of the big and small things. Thanksgiving is the time that we all get to contemplate these things. So thank you for reading my blog. And this Thanksgiving try to think of ten big and little things you are truly grateful for. I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Until next time.

- Morgan  <3 :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My Strange Addiction: Pick Up Lines

Hi there and this is another attempt at a funny post! I am going to speak to you about pick up lines! I have recently fallen in love with the cheesy phrases that males often use to ask out girls. I know, I know these are really bad, dumb, and often annoying. But you can’t help but laugh after you hear them. So I have basically become addicted to pick lines! Yes! You heard it right here. I, Morgan, admit I have a problem with pick up lines! (The first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem.)

Just found this! Freaking love it!
Photo Courtesy of Editorial Design Taxi
My fascination with pick up lines all started at my last race of the xc season. My friends and I had just finished our race and were standing next to the course cheer on the varsity girls team. When all the sudden these varsity boys from another team run past us. One of them runs past us and asks us “Are you tired? Because you have been running through my mind all day.” My reaction if course was to choke and say ah. Of course right after my friends and I just started laughing! We all couldn’t stop thinking about this pick up line and it all went down hill from there. The whole bus ride home we were looking up pickup lines online. Some were incredible such as “Are you a parking ticket? Because you have fine written all over you.” Some were really quite bad “Are you a fire alarm? Because you are really loud and annoying.” And some were so inappropriate and gross that I would prefer not to share them.  

One day last week I ended up resorting to pick up lines as a form of comedy. We were performing speeches in Drama and our teacher would tell us to tell jokes while she was finishing grading the previous persons speech. Eventually people ran out of jokes. And me being the super awkward and uncomfortable person I am I got up in front of the class and said “Um I don’t know any jokes but I do know some pick up lines.” Then I preceded to tell the entire class some of my best pick up lines. I started out with the running one and then followed with the classic parking ticket and even added my personal favorite “Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?” I don’t know if it was just me, but I thought I was pretty dang funny and I hope the class did too. 
This one is kinda cheesy ;)
Image Courtesy of Your Tango
So, I decided to take it to the next level. I thought if I was so good at delivering pick up line that maybe I would be amazing at creating them.  I have been trying this for a couple of weeks and I have only come up with a couple. It is a lot harder then I thought it would be and my first was so bad that I’m not even sure if it counts as a pick up line. I was eating an Oreo and I came up with “Let’s make an Oreo. I’ll be the cookie and you’ll be the creme.” Honestly this doesn’t even make sense. This is when I started to notice my problem...I had taken it too far. So I decided to seek help for my problem. (Cue cheesy inspirational music) I am on the right road to curing my addiction of pick up lines. It will be a long hard journey, where I will have to endure lots of pain and tragedy. It will be a time of great hardships and trials. It will be hard, but at least I know I have the support of my family and friends... I...I (sheds tear)...JUST KIDDING! Until next time!

- Morgan <3 :) 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Winter Has Arrived And Means a Lot More Than You Thought!

Why hello there! Recently in Park City it has changed from fall to winter! This means it snowed! YAY!!! I am so excited! Part of me was sad, but at the same time happy. I am sad because summer is over. All the summer fun is over. There are a lot of things about summer I am going to miss, but seasons come and go and I am finally ready for winter! 

Incredibly beautiful Park City during the winter!
image courtesy of: Park City Peaks
Every time I step outside it is like a beautiful dream! The snow covers the grounds and sparkles when the sun hits it. The mountains look as they have been frosted with snow. The trees look like some one has sprinkle powder sugar over them. Every thing is just too gorgeous. It reminds me of all the fun memories and activities of winter! I can’t wait to build snowmen and have snow ball fights with my friends. (Don’t judge. You are never too old for these things!) I am way to excited to go skiing! And finally I can not wait and may even refuse to wait any longer for the holidays! 

Winter holds the most incredible holidays of all time! It is my most favorite time of the year because everything is so happy! There is a holiday every month! November=Thanksgiving. Yes, I consider November winter. Deal with it. I mean there is snow outside isn't there? Well at least in PC there is.
Snoopy Thanksgivings are the best.
image courtesy of: Emma's Trend
December=Christmas. (my all time favorite!!!) January=New Years/my birthday. (My birthday is a holiday…right?) February=Valentines day. Some of these may be minor holidays in the eyes of some but they all remind us of something happy we need to celebrate! These holidays all remind me of what you need to be happy! When I think of Thanksgiving I don’t just think of food and turkey. I think of all the incredible people and things I have in my life that I am so grateful for! When I hear Christmas I don’t just think of presents. I think of my family and how much I love them. New Years isn’t just some lame holiday where people get drunk. It is a day where we all get a clean slate. A day to start over and change our lives for the better. Valentines day may be a small and lonely day for some, but it can remind us of how important love is and to take time to share that love with someone. I believe that you need all of these to be truly happy. Winter isn’t just a time for snow and holidays. It is a time for us to remember what we need in order to reach true happiness. These months, to me, represent gratitude, joyfulness, family, change, and love.

There is so much that winter brings and I can’t believe that the happiest time of the year has arrived. Winter will always remind me of what is really important. I don’t think it is until know that I have realized how much winter means to me. Not only is it a gorgeous all the time or the time in school where we get the most breaks. It is the time where I find myself joyful all the time. 

p.s. There will most likely be more holiday deeper meaning posts to come…hope you enjoy them! :)

Sorry if this post was a bit scattered it just kinda came out! Winter just excites me and I am so happy it is here! Hope you are too! Until next time! 

-Morgan <3 :)