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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Finally it is Thanksgiving!

Another Snoopy Thanksgiving
Photo Courtesy of The Success Box

I have decided not to start this blog with a “Hi” or “Hey there” I feel like I always do, so I am just going to get straight into this post. It is almost Thanksgiving. I am honestly so excited! I can not believe it is almost that time. I feel like just yesterday it was January 1st, 2015. Can you believe it is almost the end of the year?! It has gone by way too fast, but I’m happy to finally be celebrating Thanksgiving. 

It really hit me today that Thanksgiving is only four days away today when my family went shopping for the food. There are so many dishes at Thanksgiving dinner that I can only have on Thanksgiving. (I mean who eats stuffing and cranberry sauce yearly!) But I think only eating these dishes once a year makes them taste better. Waiting a whole year in anticipation makes them taste so much better than if I had had them just last month. There are way to many good dishes on Thanksgiving! I have always wanted to make this one dish and this year my family has finally decided to let me make it! This dish is Pumpkin Crème Brûlée! I am so excited and can not wait to make this. But my absolute favorite dish will always be the candied sweet potatoes. Plus I love waking up and cooking all day. I may not be the best chef, but I love helping make this meal. Spending the whole day in the kitchen with my family will always be my favorite memory growing up. But food is only one part of Thanksgiving. 

Think about it.
Photo Courtesy of Dog News
It is a day for us to recognize all the wonderful things in our live. There are so many thingsI need to be thankful for. My step father who makes everyday a little bit more funny. My mom, who is honestly the best mother ever. Not only did she give birth to me and decided to keep my annoying little baby butt but, she has tried her very best to push to me to always do my best. She has made me a better person and been a remodel for me. My sister, who I know will always be there for me. No matter how much we fight I still love her. She has also helped me become a better person. And even though I know she will not read this, I love her with all my heart and honestly can say she is a truly amazing beautiful person. I am grateful any of the other amazing people in my life. I am thankful for roof above my head and the food on my plate. I am grateful for being able to flush my toilet paper. Yes I am grateful for this. Costa Rica showed me how much I really love being able to do this. I am grateful for so many things and if I was to list them all then you would never be able to finish this post. I am thankful for all of the big and small things. Thanksgiving is the time that we all get to contemplate these things. So thank you for reading my blog. And this Thanksgiving try to think of ten big and little things you are truly grateful for. I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Until next time.

- Morgan  <3 :)

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