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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Crazy New Years Adventure (2016)

It's the first day of 2016! Ahh this is just so crazy. I spent my New Year the best way possible...with friends! I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the holiday and if weren't for them I probably would've stayed home and watched the Arrow. Which still might not of been the worst way to end the year now that I think about it. But this is the first year a friend has invited me to do something, so it was really exciting!

Chloe's ice cream...yes we all got big containers.
First, we all met up to eat pizza. Off to a pretty good start right? Then we all decided even though it is like -10º that we wanted ice cream. I'm not complaining because coffee ice cream is like my new favorite. It's just too good. So after we payed for our food we walked over in the freezing cold to the store to get ice cream. Once we had bought our ice cream my friends Kirsten's dad picked us up. By the way this whole party was her idea, so cheers to you Keblish for forcing me to be social. It was also her idea for us to go night hiking then sled down! (when it's -10º) Her father took us up to this trail. I was hesitant at first because A) its cold as frik out there, B) there are wild animals that could eat us and C) I suck at sledding. We started walking up and this hike is crazy steep and walking on snow didn't make it any easier. The whole time we were hiking I was in the back. What if some creepy wolf or mountain lion came up behind me! So I was constantly turning around making sure nothing was following us. Also I was walking behind my friend Chloe. She didn't bring the best boots so the whole time she was slipping and falling. I was almost nocked over every minute or so.

After about thirty minutes of complaining and sort of hiking (not even half of the full hike) Kirsten finally decided to let us turn around. You have no idea how happy I was that we could go home and eat ice cream. The only problem with this was that we now had to sled down. Earlier I had agreed to sled down on a double sled with my friend Alana. This whole time Alana had been bragging about her New Years resolution being that in 2016 she was going to become a "bad a**". So now that she was this so called bad a** you would think she would be ready to sled down, no. It took us a good ten minutes just to have her sit down in the sled. Finally, we start sledding, but since there was more weight in the front every time we hit a bump we would both slide out of the sled. Every single time
this would happen Alana would get out complain or do some shake that resembled a complaint. After this she would sigh and say "Okay lets go." Remember this is the so called bad a**. It was hilarious. Alana and I got about half way down till we lost our sled. Kirsten and me switched so I got her weird turn/brake sled. I used this for about five minutes then gave up and walked the rest down.

Beautiful winter hikes
Photo courtesy of Media Cache
It was kind of a crazy adventure for all of us. It was totally unforgettable. Between it being dark, cold and no one else out there we still had tons of fun. I may have so bruises but, that is all just apart of the fun right? Hope you had a wonderful New Years! Until next time<3 :)

- Morgan

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