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Friday, January 15, 2016

I May Be Dead After All

As some of you may also be experiencing it, the last week of the Semester at TMJH was this week. Last year finals were okay and first quarter this year was hard, but I can officially say I'm truly scarred by my first High School semester final. This week has been dreadful.

I decided to dedicate my whole weekend to studying. I have a whole notebook that I use for studying and I have probably used half of it within this past week. Normally I'm not one for studying, but I'm trying really hard to keep my grades up and do well on tests. So I studied for math, english, and science the whole weekend. I wanted to go into the last week of the semester prepared and ready.

This whole week.
Photos courtesy of : theodysseyonline
I had a total of eight different test and quizzes this week. Then, two performance reviews for Drama and this blog assignment. Not to mention I had to do something everyday after school. Plus at least twenty panic attacks and one full on mental breakdown. To say I have been stressed out would be and understatement. Every night I would come home and go straight to my desk. My parents understood I was studying and tried to lighten my load of chores to make it easier. Several nights I ended up eating dinner at my desk just so I could finish everything. I was up till ten almost every night and there was even one day when I had to get up early to finish my homework. The hardest part about this week was that I went in prepared and still almost died of stress. I know it is only my Freshman year and I can't even start imagine how much harder finals are going to be in the rest of High School. (TERRIFYING)

I have learned a lot from this week. Not only have I learned that High School is hard, but I have also learned that it is possible. As many test as you take and as hard as teachers are, it is still possible. Just eat well, and get as much sleep as possible. And as hard as it may seem it is better to go to bed early, then get up early and finish your homework. Also studying isn't as hard as it seems just take advantage of the resources available to you. Using flash cards, highlighters, Quizlet and reviewing old notes can help you so much. Remember never give up and you can do it!

Luckily the week is over and I am wrapping up on all my homework and have no more test. I can gladly say as nightmarish as it was I finished finals without failing any tests. Doing that was almost impossible and I may be dead after all. Good thing we get a four day weekend so I can recuperate and start third quarter well rested. How was the end of your semester? I hope it wasn't too bad! Enjoy your long weekend. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

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