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Thursday, January 14, 2016

OCD?...No. I Just Like Things Clean!

Most teenagers are slobs. They never make their beds and leave clothing on the floor. I used to be like this, but now I can't stand those two things. Just writing that made me cringe. I know their are some people out there like me who just can't stand things being a mess, but the reality is teenagers are messy. So this post may not be relatable at all. And to all those people like me who can't leave their room a mess I welcome you!

Photo courtesy of : memegenerator
Let me just say I am not a germaphobe. I am okay with leaving certain things out on the counter or my desk. But there is a limit. For example in my shared bathroom I have a toothbrush container on my side of the sink along with my daily vitamins. On my sisters side of the sink she keeps her jewelry box out. I can handle these things because its not too much and if you keep it organized it looks fine. But when you leave your toothpaste or blowdryer out that's not okay. I personally think I am this neat because I want everything to look nice and stay organized. Maybe that's just me though...

Anyway! One of the worst things about being this is way is my sister. We are polar opposites. Not just in looks, but personalities as well. I hate procrastination and messy things. Madison says procrastination helps her and can make a room messy by just walking into it. Don't get me wrong I love her dearly but she drives me crazy! She is the messiest person alive. You can always tell when she did the dishes because she leaves all the cabinets open. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE! I don't understand. And to say are personalities are conflicting would be an understatement. Everyday I have to ask her to pick up her underwear from the bathroom floor or put away something of hers in our bathroom. I have a tendency to snap at her and her response is typically "Morgan you seriously have OCD or something." Like what? OCD? No. I just like things clean and neat. 

Thank you for listening to me rant. And trust me there was a time when I was a slob. I understand that it is easier to just leave stuff on the floor. But if you live with a person like me just know that they would really appreciate it if you tried to pick that stuff up. And if you are like me as hard as it is try not to be too hard on the messy people in this world. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

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