About Me

Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Message to Hannah Hart

Dear Hannah Hart,

Hi! I am Morgan, a fifteen year old girl who loves your videos! I have been watching your youtube videos for a good two years now and all I can say is you are the most punderful person I have ever seen (see what I did there). I have decided to write to you because you own a humor filled youtube channel that I love. I look up to you a lot. Since you probably haven't read my blog let me fill you in. I'm writing this blog for my English class. This blog, as confuse as it may be, is about sharing my life. I like to share my experiences and hopefully humor. I feel as though this is what your youtube channel is about. You share your drunk and sober wisdom with the world in a humorous way.

Hannah being an amazing person.
Gif courtesy of: andpop
Now I know some people may say that it is inappropriate for someone my age to be watching videos where someone gets drunk and then tries to cook. But you do a lot more than that. I cannot watch one of your videos without laughing out loud. You make the best puns and give the best advice. And recently you started doing this thing called Have A Hart Day. You volunteer with other people and have been giving your time to help so many people. Not only have you been physically going out and helping people. You have also helped so many people with your advice. Your videos inspire and help so many people. You spread the message of how important it is to be yourself. You let people know that they are good enough and that they don't need to change.

Along with doing all these amazing things you also have a huge presence in the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, and Queer)  community. So many people of all ages look up to you for this I being one of them. I am not personally gay or bi, but my sister is. It means a lot to me that there are people out there like you who spread the message of gay being okay. You just being out and open about your sexuality helps so many people and gives hope to people out there.

Hannah Hart you are such an amazing person who has accomplished so much. You have your own book, you have starred in a movie, and you have met the president. These big feats cannot measure how amazing you are because there is so much more. I look up to you in so many ways and am so happy I found you on youtube. Never stop making videos or spreading your humor. And I hope you now that I and many others considered you the QUEEN OF PUNS! If you are reading this thank you so much! I hope that my blog would make you laugh like you make me laugh. I tried to be just as punny as you are. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

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