About Me

Friday, May 13, 2016

A Teenage Girl's Uniquely Ordinary Life: The Journey

I struggle with procrastination and I have accepted that!
Photo courtesy of: The Odyssey Online
This blog has been a journey for me. In case you don't know this blog is an assignment for my Honors English class. I started 9th grade knowing that I was going to have to do a blog. I was terrified; I didn't want to do it. I had all the classic self conscious teenage thoughts. I was worried that everyone would judge me. Not only was I self conscious, but I was clueless as well. I didn't know what I wanted my blog to be about. I didn't know how to title a post let alone write one. I wanted to be funny while sharing my personality, but was still afraid of what other people thought. It was very nerve wracking. And every time a blog assignment was due I'd have to rush to complete it because, of course like any other assignment, I would procrastinate. At times I really hated it.

Luckily now I don't hate it as much. Don't get me wrong, I still procrastinate, but I think in ways I have grown. I'm not as worried about being funny. I feel that by just being myself is funny enough. Now I honestly could careless about what people think about me. I have learned to express myself through this blog. I was finally able to share my love of puns and pick up lines to people other than just my family and friends. In a way I have even improved with them. Like when writing this very post I was trying to edit a sentence so it didn't have as many "I"s and I said "This sentence has four "I"s, ahhh, that's more "I"s than on my face!" (HAHA GET IT?!? Yea, yea, not that funny, but I think it's pretty punny. (Sorry couldn't resist.)). Anyway, even though this blog has put some stress on me I still feel as though I have benefited. I pay more attention to details and edit more carefully. I have made improvements through this wild blogging journey.

Reading Morgan's new pun and improvements got you like...
Gif courtesy of: We The Unicorns
After this whole blogging adventure I look at every experience as an opportunity to share with someone. I feel as though my description, grammar, and writing in general has improved. Not only this, but I have gained other things from my friend's blogs. Whether that is learning about a new show *cough cough* Grey' Anatomy *cough cough* or just reading about a new perspective on life. This blog has been a great experience and I am sad to see it end. But I know that I won't be able to keep it up to date with posts. As much as I have learned, I still haven't learned about not procrastinating. Until next time! ... oh wait, not really ... well, thank you and goodbye!

- Morgan :) <3

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Le Francais est Stupide!

WARNING: This post is basically just an anger rant. Be prepared to read the fiery wrath of Morgan.

The extent of my French knowledge.
Gif courtesy of :  The Odyssey Online
As you may or may not know I am currently taking French. To this you may have one of three different responses. 1. "Ohh that's so cool! French is a beautiful language." 2. "Geez why would you do that? No one speaks French except for the french." or 3. "I hear they have really amazing food. There bread and cheese are amazing."  All of these statement/questions are true. (especially the last one). And to be completely honest I don't know why I decided to take French back in 7th grade. No one really speaks French except for a few countries. And really, I completely regret it, but at this point it is too late to turn back. I am in French III, so there is really no point in starting over with a different language. But even though this is my third year I still suck at French! I mean I'm pretty good with the grammar, but speaking and listening is a totally different topic. My accent is the WORST! Even though sometimes I do hate the class this doesn't mean I don't try.

When Mr/Ms. Stupide randomly yells at you for nothing.
Photo courtesy of: Divine Caroline
This leads us to what forced me to write this post: my teacher. Just to keep this teacher free from hate we are going to refer to them as Mr/Ms. Stupide. Because I know all of my adoring fans would just blast them with hate after this. *cough cough* No one. Anyway, for some unknown reason Mr/Ms. Stupide seems to hate me with a burning passion. I know I'm not always the best student, but this doesn't give them the right to treat me unfairly. I talk just as much as the other kids in my class. I do just as much work as the other kids in my class; I may do even more work sometimes. I pay attention just as much as everyone else,  but he/she seems to pick me out of the crowd. This is not fair! So uncool Mr/Ms. Stupide. And I know what you are all thinking "Oh Morgan. You're being so silly.  You are making this all up in your head! Mr/Ms. Stupide doesn't hate you." All I have to say to that is "Ferme ta bouche!" You can ask any of my friends in that class. He/she hates me and they're not secretive about it. How might I know this you ask, well here are some examples. Once I wrote Mr/Ms. Stupide an email regarding my friend and I's project he/she never responded, but when my friend emailed him/her they responded in less than thirty minutes. Also, he/she has told me to stop talking when my mouth has not opened once, several times. Along with this he/she called on me in class to answer something. I will answer to question to the best of my ability and he/she will yell at me for not doing it. Shall I go on?

Overall, I have done my best in that I class. There was even a solid month where I was on top of everything. I was doing homework that no one else did and even answered questions that no one else knew. I try and sometimes I don't understand what is going on. Mr/Ms. Stupide takes this as me not caring or not trying; I take this as a comprehension error. But it has now gotten to the point in this class that I almost stormed out of the class. Luckily this is my last year with Mr/Ms. Stupide. Thank you for reading my anger rant about French. Au Revoir! Until next time!

-Morgan :) <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Most Huggable Friends

I'm sending you some love through a virtual hug.
Photo courtesy of: We Heart It
Hugs are good; I like hugs. Most people like hugs and giving them as well. Hugs are probably the most comforting thing a person can do for someone, in my opinion. Having someone wrap their arms around you just gives you this feeling of warmth. It shows that they care. Hugs are healing and loving, As I said before I like hugs; I like hugs so much that I hug at least five different people ten different times a day. This may be an exaggeration, but you get my point right? Anyway, since I am hugging so many people I have created a list of my top five favorite people to hug. I call it my Huggable List. Starting from the number five and finishing with number one:

5. Claire Booth -
She is the sweetest person I have ever met. Every time she gives you a hug it feels as though that kindness is being transferred through the hug. She has this motherly quality that makes you feel like you can trust her with anything.Giving Claire a hug is like having the someone fill your body with the most pure love and nurture. Plus she is super tall which is just an added bonus.

4. Delora Johnstone -
She can often appear as an emotionless person, and most of the time she is, but when she gives you a hug you feel that she does have feelings. Her hugs are sweet and kind hearted. They show you that even though she may not appear to care, she really does. Maybe it is just we have been friends for so long, but her hugs are incredibly special.

3. Maddie Shea -
She has the biggest heart in the entire world. You could do the most horrid thing and she would still have room in her heart for you. And when she opens her arms to give you a hug it's like she's opening her heart and all her love is transferred to you. Not only that, but when you give her a hug she has this giggle that makes you never want to stop smiling. It is truly incredible.

2. Sam Peterson -
Even animals need hugs sometimes!
Photo courtesy of: Giphy
Sam is Sam; I don't know how to describe her in any other way. She is so incredibly unique in the most amazing way. She is never afraid to be herself. And she always appears to be so confident. Everything she is and all her love is transferred through her hugs.

1. Aysia Stewart -
This girl is probably the most fantastic hugger. I don't know what it is about her hugs. They make you feel happy. Maybe it's the fact that she is moving so the hugs mean more. Maybe it is the fact that she is the perfect size for hugging. Or maybe she is just a huggy person.

I know there are so many people to hug in the world and these are only a few. All of these
people are some of my closest friends. This does not mean that any of my other friends are less huggable. I honestly hope that everyone out there has at least one person they can hug. They are healing and and the best way to show your love. Until next time!

- Morgan DeCamp :) <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Ty!

Hey guys! So today, just now, while I was at the store with my mother, we were approached by a man. He had been standing behind us in self check out. This man came up to us and asked "May I pay for you guys?" My mom and I were in complete shock. We didn't know what to do, so my mom asked "Umm what for?" We both had no clue what was going on. Then the man replied and said "We are doing this for my friend's birthday, Ty." I had no clue at all of what to say. My mom felt bad because we are pretty well off. She said "Well, I'm sure there is someone else out there who could use this more than us." And he just simply said "This is just the way it is." He then payed for us. My mother asked who Ty was. This man told us that he died in a race last year at age 44. He would of been 45 today. At this point my mom was holding back her tears. I on the other hand was still in shock. You hear of people speaking of stuff like this happening, but here I was living it. I was practically frozen. We said thank you. My mom got in the car and cried.

Try to complete at least one act of kindness for Ty.
Photo courtesy of: treasureyourheart
Now I am here sitting on my bed paying my respects to a man I never knew but wishing I did. When we got home we found a site dedicated to Ty. (Please go check it out to get more information.) There is so much I want to say, but I don't have enough words to do so. I want to start with thanks to everyone out there who has completed an act of kindness for Ty. I also want to thank Ty.  Even though I didn't know him, he must of been a truly incredible man for people to do this for him. I only hope that he is watching from somewhere, smiling. No one deserves to die so young, but some how out of such a tragic event people have made the most. They have gone out and celebrated his life by trying to make others lives better. Please everyone read this even though it may not be his birthday anymore go out and do something for Ty. Happy birthday Ty Rasch! I hope this made your day. Treasure you heart.

- Morgan :) <3

Friday, March 11, 2016

Bring Troye to Utah

Troye performing on tour, look how happy he is!
Photo courtesy of: FuseTv
One day I was sitting at home watching Netflix (as usual) and then my phone dinged. I checked my phone only to see that I had a notification from an app called Bands In Town. If you don't know what this is, get it now! It lets you track all the up coming artists on tour near you. It is incredible; I love it. Anyway it had just notified me about some random band coming to Utah. After I saw this I realized I wanted to check if some of my favorite artist were on tour/coming to a town near me. I all the sudden realized that I didn't know if my absolute favorite artist, Troye Sivan, was on tour. So to the search bar I went. I typed in T-r-o-y-e S-i-v-a-n and impatiently waited for the results. Then his picture popped up! YAY! I scrolled through all his tour dates and where he was going. I started with hope in my heart. When I got the bottom (without seeing Utah) my heart dropped. I felt like I went through the first three stages of grief with in five seconds.

Look he was on the cover of Rolling Stones!!!
Photo courtesy of: cdn04
Honestly I am still on the third stage, bargaining. I WILL get Troye to come to Utah, if it's the last thing I do. I will start a campaign. I will tweet him twenty million times, a day. I will freaking kidnap him and bring him to Utah (not actually, but you see how serious I am). Now trust me I am not the only one who loves him. I have several friends that agree, Troye Sivan must come to Utah. His music is incredible. He is so talented in so many different ways. I remember when I first saw his youtube videos. I first thought he was funny, but wasn't in love. Then I found one of his covers. I instantly fell in love. I watched it every night and showed it to everyone I could think of. I knew he would go on to do big things. And when he released his first EP I bought it. Then when I saw on Instagram that he had just released his first album Blue Neighborhood, I wanted to cry.

I am not lying to you when I say that I love every song on that album. It is not one of those albums where the best song is the single. All of the songs are equally incredible. They all have their strengths. As hard as it's to choose favorites my current favorite songs are "for him." and "BLUE". If you take anything from this post go listen to his album. It is truly amazing and I guarantee you will love it. And don't forget...BRING TROYE TO UTAH. Until next time!

-Morgan :) <3

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Brace Free at Fifteen

As you may already know I am a fifteen year old girl who is a freshman in high school. Most kids my age and in my grade have braces. And so do I ... or well I used to. That's right you heard it right here. I Morgan DeCamp have finally broke free of my chains. I am free from the tracks. This face will brace no more! (a.k.a. I got my braces off). I'm actually so happy and can't believe that after two and a half years I finally got my braces off. The best part is, after my retainer I'm done. There's no more having to go back to get braces a second/third time. If I wear my retainer like I am suppose to, I should be brace free for the rest of my life. Isn't that exciting!

Look at those pearly whites! 
So the thing is, even though I am ecstatic about this whole event I don't know why everyone is so excited for me. It seemed like once I got my braces off all adults thought that I had gone through a huge sudden change. No. I literally just sat in a chair for an hour while someone removed metal and glue from my teeth. I am still the same person. I just have straight teeth. It really shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it was. Once the orthodontists had finished my teeth they had me wait in the middle of the room. I was very confused when all the sudden adults started circling me like vultures. Then came the music or should I say banging tambourines randomly and shouting loudly. I don't even know what they "sang". I stood there not knowing what to do. I mean, what should I do? Should I smile at the adults that I don't know? Should I glare and make them think I hate them? I'm pretty sure I ended up doing both. To top it all off, at the end of the "song" they sprayed silly string on me! WTF. I was severely confused. Even after that my whole way out of the office they were congratulating me. Like what? And when I got home my mom was like "Oh honey look at you. You are so grown up; a young adult. You look so beautiful now." Like seriously, was I not beautiful before? I still a young adult before. The only difference from now and this morning is that there isn't metal in my mouth anymore.

Anyway,  it's not like I am not excited to get my braces off. And I understand two years of my life, that's a big chunk! But still getting your braces off doesn't really "change" you. It doesn't make you older or more mature. I'm just me, except without braces! Overall I am happy about my braces being gone. I am very appreciative of my parents for doing this for me. So shout out to them for paying for all the painful metal in my mouth for the past couple years. Until next time!

-Morgan :) <3

Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Lush Obsession

Lush's Logo
Photo Courtesy of: The Centre Livingston
I know I have already admitted to having an addiction on this blog (a.k.a Pickup lines) but a new obsession has begun. Lush. If you don't know what Lush is then you must be living under a rock. Lush is an all natural cosmetic store. They sell all sorts of items: bath bombs, soap, shampoo, lotion, and even make up! Everything they make is hand made and comes from fresh ingredients. All of the products are either vegetarian or vegan. Plus to top it all off they are helping fight against animal testing! Not only are their products organic, of good value, and work they also smell AMAZING!

My Lush obsession started about a year ago. I was watching some Zoella videos on Youtube and I came across a Lush Haul video. I was just watching random stuff so I watched it. I was changed forever. There was a good month of me just watching Lush Haul videos. I was hooked. And when my family took a trip to Las Vegas I finally got to go to a Lush store and experience it for myself. I didn't want to leave. I ended up getting three things: the Ocean Sea Salt Scrub, the Cosmic Warrior, and the Mint Julep sugar scrub. All of these items were fantastic. After that, all I wanted was Lush. That Christmas, after talking about Lush non-stop, my parents bought me and my sister more. I was so happy. But then my Lush obsession came to a halt. I didn't really talk or think about Lush for a good six months. Until recently.

Lush's Intergalactic Bathbomb in action!
Gif Courtesy of: Oddity Mall
I don't know what set it off. Maybe it was me finishing my Lush shampoo or my sudden soap fixation. But my Lush obsession came back. I ended up more for Christmas (The Jugglers gift set and a gift card). I fell in love all over again. This set was incredible. I ended up asking for MORE Lush for my birthday and I got two more boxed sets (the Honey Bee and Celebrate) and the Rub Rub Rub bar. After this my collection of Lush was huge! Even with the huge amount of Lush I currently own I still went to Lush again this past weekend. See how bad my problem is? Luckily I am not rich so I only bought two items. Now my collection is up to twenty plus items and I don't want to stop. It has become a problem. But if you think about it Lush is perfect for me. I love things to be clean and smell nice. Plus Lush in itself is just amazing. Honestly if you haven't tried Lush please go and try it. It will change your life. And you will always smell amazing. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Message to Hannah Hart

Dear Hannah Hart,

Hi! I am Morgan, a fifteen year old girl who loves your videos! I have been watching your youtube videos for a good two years now and all I can say is you are the most punderful person I have ever seen (see what I did there). I have decided to write to you because you own a humor filled youtube channel that I love. I look up to you a lot. Since you probably haven't read my blog let me fill you in. I'm writing this blog for my English class. This blog, as confuse as it may be, is about sharing my life. I like to share my experiences and hopefully humor. I feel as though this is what your youtube channel is about. You share your drunk and sober wisdom with the world in a humorous way.

Hannah being an amazing person.
Gif courtesy of: andpop
Now I know some people may say that it is inappropriate for someone my age to be watching videos where someone gets drunk and then tries to cook. But you do a lot more than that. I cannot watch one of your videos without laughing out loud. You make the best puns and give the best advice. And recently you started doing this thing called Have A Hart Day. You volunteer with other people and have been giving your time to help so many people. Not only have you been physically going out and helping people. You have also helped so many people with your advice. Your videos inspire and help so many people. You spread the message of how important it is to be yourself. You let people know that they are good enough and that they don't need to change.

Along with doing all these amazing things you also have a huge presence in the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, and Queer)  community. So many people of all ages look up to you for this I being one of them. I am not personally gay or bi, but my sister is. It means a lot to me that there are people out there like you who spread the message of gay being okay. You just being out and open about your sexuality helps so many people and gives hope to people out there.

Hannah Hart you are such an amazing person who has accomplished so much. You have your own book, you have starred in a movie, and you have met the president. These big feats cannot measure how amazing you are because there is so much more. I look up to you in so many ways and am so happy I found you on youtube. Never stop making videos or spreading your humor. And I hope you now that I and many others considered you the QUEEN OF PUNS! If you are reading this thank you so much! I hope that my blog would make you laugh like you make me laugh. I tried to be just as punny as you are. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

Friday, January 15, 2016

I May Be Dead After All

As some of you may also be experiencing it, the last week of the Semester at TMJH was this week. Last year finals were okay and first quarter this year was hard, but I can officially say I'm truly scarred by my first High School semester final. This week has been dreadful.

I decided to dedicate my whole weekend to studying. I have a whole notebook that I use for studying and I have probably used half of it within this past week. Normally I'm not one for studying, but I'm trying really hard to keep my grades up and do well on tests. So I studied for math, english, and science the whole weekend. I wanted to go into the last week of the semester prepared and ready.

This whole week.
Photos courtesy of : theodysseyonline
I had a total of eight different test and quizzes this week. Then, two performance reviews for Drama and this blog assignment. Not to mention I had to do something everyday after school. Plus at least twenty panic attacks and one full on mental breakdown. To say I have been stressed out would be and understatement. Every night I would come home and go straight to my desk. My parents understood I was studying and tried to lighten my load of chores to make it easier. Several nights I ended up eating dinner at my desk just so I could finish everything. I was up till ten almost every night and there was even one day when I had to get up early to finish my homework. The hardest part about this week was that I went in prepared and still almost died of stress. I know it is only my Freshman year and I can't even start imagine how much harder finals are going to be in the rest of High School. (TERRIFYING)

I have learned a lot from this week. Not only have I learned that High School is hard, but I have also learned that it is possible. As many test as you take and as hard as teachers are, it is still possible. Just eat well, and get as much sleep as possible. And as hard as it may seem it is better to go to bed early, then get up early and finish your homework. Also studying isn't as hard as it seems just take advantage of the resources available to you. Using flash cards, highlighters, Quizlet and reviewing old notes can help you so much. Remember never give up and you can do it!

Luckily the week is over and I am wrapping up on all my homework and have no more test. I can gladly say as nightmarish as it was I finished finals without failing any tests. Doing that was almost impossible and I may be dead after all. Good thing we get a four day weekend so I can recuperate and start third quarter well rested. How was the end of your semester? I hope it wasn't too bad! Enjoy your long weekend. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

OCD?...No. I Just Like Things Clean!

Most teenagers are slobs. They never make their beds and leave clothing on the floor. I used to be like this, but now I can't stand those two things. Just writing that made me cringe. I know their are some people out there like me who just can't stand things being a mess, but the reality is teenagers are messy. So this post may not be relatable at all. And to all those people like me who can't leave their room a mess I welcome you!

Photo courtesy of : memegenerator
Let me just say I am not a germaphobe. I am okay with leaving certain things out on the counter or my desk. But there is a limit. For example in my shared bathroom I have a toothbrush container on my side of the sink along with my daily vitamins. On my sisters side of the sink she keeps her jewelry box out. I can handle these things because its not too much and if you keep it organized it looks fine. But when you leave your toothpaste or blowdryer out that's not okay. I personally think I am this neat because I want everything to look nice and stay organized. Maybe that's just me though...

Anyway! One of the worst things about being this is way is my sister. We are polar opposites. Not just in looks, but personalities as well. I hate procrastination and messy things. Madison says procrastination helps her and can make a room messy by just walking into it. Don't get me wrong I love her dearly but she drives me crazy! She is the messiest person alive. You can always tell when she did the dishes because she leaves all the cabinets open. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE! I don't understand. And to say are personalities are conflicting would be an understatement. Everyday I have to ask her to pick up her underwear from the bathroom floor or put away something of hers in our bathroom. I have a tendency to snap at her and her response is typically "Morgan you seriously have OCD or something." Like what? OCD? No. I just like things clean and neat. 

Thank you for listening to me rant. And trust me there was a time when I was a slob. I understand that it is easier to just leave stuff on the floor. But if you live with a person like me just know that they would really appreciate it if you tried to pick that stuff up. And if you are like me as hard as it is try not to be too hard on the messy people in this world. Until next time!

-Morgan <3 :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Crazy New Years Adventure (2016)

It's the first day of 2016! Ahh this is just so crazy. I spent my New Year the best way possible...with friends! I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the holiday and if weren't for them I probably would've stayed home and watched the Arrow. Which still might not of been the worst way to end the year now that I think about it. But this is the first year a friend has invited me to do something, so it was really exciting!

Chloe's ice cream...yes we all got big containers.
First, we all met up to eat pizza. Off to a pretty good start right? Then we all decided even though it is like -10º that we wanted ice cream. I'm not complaining because coffee ice cream is like my new favorite. It's just too good. So after we payed for our food we walked over in the freezing cold to the store to get ice cream. Once we had bought our ice cream my friends Kirsten's dad picked us up. By the way this whole party was her idea, so cheers to you Keblish for forcing me to be social. It was also her idea for us to go night hiking then sled down! (when it's -10º) Her father took us up to this trail. I was hesitant at first because A) its cold as frik out there, B) there are wild animals that could eat us and C) I suck at sledding. We started walking up and this hike is crazy steep and walking on snow didn't make it any easier. The whole time we were hiking I was in the back. What if some creepy wolf or mountain lion came up behind me! So I was constantly turning around making sure nothing was following us. Also I was walking behind my friend Chloe. She didn't bring the best boots so the whole time she was slipping and falling. I was almost nocked over every minute or so.

After about thirty minutes of complaining and sort of hiking (not even half of the full hike) Kirsten finally decided to let us turn around. You have no idea how happy I was that we could go home and eat ice cream. The only problem with this was that we now had to sled down. Earlier I had agreed to sled down on a double sled with my friend Alana. This whole time Alana had been bragging about her New Years resolution being that in 2016 she was going to become a "bad a**". So now that she was this so called bad a** you would think she would be ready to sled down, no. It took us a good ten minutes just to have her sit down in the sled. Finally, we start sledding, but since there was more weight in the front every time we hit a bump we would both slide out of the sled. Every single time
this would happen Alana would get out complain or do some shake that resembled a complaint. After this she would sigh and say "Okay lets go." Remember this is the so called bad a**. It was hilarious. Alana and I got about half way down till we lost our sled. Kirsten and me switched so I got her weird turn/brake sled. I used this for about five minutes then gave up and walked the rest down.

Beautiful winter hikes
Photo courtesy of Media Cache
It was kind of a crazy adventure for all of us. It was totally unforgettable. Between it being dark, cold and no one else out there we still had tons of fun. I may have so bruises but, that is all just apart of the fun right? Hope you had a wonderful New Years! Until next time<3 :)

- Morgan